

Between September 19 and 22, 2024, the Mostra de Cinemas Africanos will host the first edition of the Brazil-Africa Audiovisual Encounters, an initiative designed to foster partnerships and collaborations between African and Brazilian cinema. This event will gather more than 50 professionals from both sides of the South Atlantic, creating a dynamic space for collaboration where knowledge and experiences can be exchanged to enhance the film industries in both regions.

See here the guest list and the full programme.


19 September 2024 (Thursday)

8h30 – 9h | Welcoming
9h – 9h30 | Opening ceremony

With Ana Camila Esteves (Mostra de Cinemas Africanos), Bruno Monteiro (Secretary of Culture of the State of Bahia), Daiane Silva (director at Dimas), Julia Alves (Quarta-Feira Filmes), Rafael Sampaio (BrLab), Romeo Umulisa (Creative Africa Lab) and Sara Prado (director at FUNCEB).

*** Simultaneous translation PT-EN

9h30 – 11h | Opening panel: Overview of Audiovisual Financing in Brazil and Perspectives for International Cooperation

This panel provides a comprehensive overview of the current landscape of audiovisual financing in Brazil, addressing the main initiatives and challenges faced by industry professionals. Aiming to contextualize the Brazilian audiovisual field for African partners, institutions such as Ancine (MinC), Spcine (Municipal Government of São Paulo), Dimas (Government of Bahia), and Salcine (Municipal Government of Salvador) will present their respective initiatives for the national market. The focus will be on international cooperation perspectives and how Brazil can strengthen its global partnerships in the audiovisual sector, especially with the African continent.

Speakers: Barbara Trugillo (Spcine, Municipal Government of São Paulo), Daiane Silva (Dimas, Government of Bahia), Milene Anjos (Salcine, Municipal Government of Salvador), Paulo Alcoforado (Ancine | online)

Moderated by: Julia Alves (Quarta-Feira Filmes) and Rafael Sampaio (BrLab)

*** Simultaneous translation PT-EN 

11h30 – 13h30 | Professional Organizations in Brazil and Africa and Their Roles in the Development of the Film Industry

This panel explores the crucial role of professional organizations in Brazil and Africa in the development of the film industry. Featuring institutions from both regions that have long contributed to the promotion and strengthening of cinema, the discussion will focus on the strategies and collaborations that drive the film industry on both continents. It will also address how Brazil and Africa can work together to expand South-South partnerships and enhance mutual cooperation in the sector.

Speakers: Elias Ribeiro (Realness Institute – South Africa), Keyti Souza (Association of Black Audiovisual Professionals APAN – Brazil), Mohamed Saïd Ouma (Documentary Africa DocA – Kenya), Rachel do Valle (Projeto Paradiso – Brazil), Tiny Mungwe (STEPS – South Africa), Zsuzsi Bánkuti and Sarah Schiesser (Locarno Open Doors | online). 

Moderated by: Bárbara Cunha and Eduardo Lurnel (Association of Brazilian Independent Audiovisual Production Companies API - Brazil)

*** Simultaneous translation PT-EN

15h – 17h | Brazil-Africa Film Co-Productions: A Growing Partnership

This panel examines the growing landscape of Brazil-Africa film co-productions. Featuring Brazilian and African producers currently engaged in co-production projects between the two territories, the event will discuss the experiences, challenges, and opportunities of these partnerships. The discussion will also focus on encouraging new collaborations and strategies to strengthen and expand these partnerships in the near future.

Speakers: Caio J. Bonfim (DreamCoat Films), Elias Ribeiro (Urucu Media), Emerson Dindo (Portátil), Julia Alves (Quarta-Feira Filmes), Keyti Souza (Tem Dendê Produções), Luciana Ceccatto Farah (Mucii Pictures), Yanis Gaye (Yetu)

Mediação: Tiny Mungwe (STEPS)

*** Simultaneous translation PT-EN

20 September 2024 (Friday)

8h30 – 9h | Welcoming
9h – 11h | Overview of African Cinema Research in Brazil and Contemporary Perspectives

Universities in Bahia have emerged as significant hubs for promoting, disseminating, and developing research on non-hegemonic cinemas, with a particular focus on African cinema. This panel aims to present and discuss research on African cinemas conducted in Brazil, mapping the contexts of these studies and their dissemination. The discussion will focus on key themes, films, filmmakers, and contemporary perspectives covered in these investigations, highlighting the importance of this research in a context where most academic studies are produced and disseminated in Europe and the USA, often in English and French.

Speakers: Ana Camila Esteves (UFF), Evelyn Sacramento (UFBA), Jusciele Oliveira (UFBA), Letícia Santinon (UFRB), Marcelo Esteves (PUC-Rio), Morgana Gama (UFBA), Thaís Vieira (UFBA | online).

Moderated by: Marcelo Ribeiro (UFBA)

*** Simultaneous translation PT-EN

11h30 – 13h30 | Overview of Film Markets in Brazil and Africa

This panel provides a comprehensive overview of the major film markets in Brazil and Africa. Featuring representatives from the most prominent film markets in both territories, the event aims to stimulate ongoing dialogue and collaboration between these platforms, expanding opportunities for audiovisual professionals on both sides of the South Atlantic. The discussion will cover strategies, challenges, and current trends in the film markets, as well as ways to strengthen the connections between Brazil and Africa.

Speakers: Hédi Zardi and Camille Hébert-Benazet (Ateliers Atlas, Morocco | online), Carlos Barbosa and Karla Martins (Matapi – Audiovisual Market of the North), Daiane Rosário (MercaMIMB | online), Ilda Santiago (Rio Market, Brazil), Magdalene Reddy (Durban FilmMart, South Africa).

Moderated by: Ceci Alves (¡Candela! Produções) and Pedro Caribé (Cinema de Terreiro)

*** Simultaneous translation PT-EN-FR

15h – 17h | Training Programs in Brazil and Africa: Potential Approaches and Cooperations (Day 1)

Speakers: Eugénie Michel-Villette (Alaka Film Lab), Katya Aragão (São Tomé Film Lab), Khalid Shamis and Lucinda Van de Rheede (Rough Cut Lab Africa), Rafael Sampaio (BrLab), Samuel Tebandeke (Great Lakes Creative Producers), Viviane Ferreira (Mulheres de Odun Audiovisual Institute).

Moderated by: Romeo Umulisa (Creative Africa Lab) and Julia Alves (Quarta-Feira Filmes)

*** Simultaneous translation PT-EN-FR

21 September 2024 (Saturday)

8h30 – 9h | Welcoming
9h – 11h | Distribution of African Films in Brazil: Commercial Theaters, Streaming Platforms, and Alternative Screening Venues

This panel explores alternative methods for the distribution of African films in Brazil, challenging the notion that commercial theater distribution is the only viable solution. The event will feature representatives from key Brazilian institutions that have played a central role in showcasing African films through streaming platforms, universities, cultural centers, and other venues. The discussion will focus on innovative strategies to increase the presence of African cinema in Brazil and how these alternative models can offer new opportunities for access and visibility.

Speakers: Luan Filippo (Imovision), Paula Gomes (Olhar Distribuição), Letícia Santinon (Cajuína Audiovisual), Cecília de Nichile (Sesc São Paulo), Thomas Sparfel (La Cinémathèque française), Letícia Friedrich (Vitrine Filmes), Bárbara Trugillo (Spcine)

Moderated by: Marina Tarabay (Fistaile – Desenho de Audiência, Distribuição e Curadoria)

*** Simultaneous translation PT-EN-FR

11h30 – 13h30 | Festivals as Qualified Spaces for the Circulation, Exposure and Distinction of African Films: Connections Between Brazil, Europe, and Africa

This panel examines the role of film festivals as essential platforms for the distribution, exposure, and recognition of African films, with a focus on the curation of these works at Brazilian festivals. Representatives from the Festival do Rio and Festival Olhar de Cinema, known for their prominent programming of African films, will share their experiences in enhancing the visibility and reach of these films in Brazil. The participants will discuss the importance of these spaces and explore opportunities to strengthen partnerships between Brazilian and African film festivals.

Speakers: Andrea Voges (Durban International Film Festival, South Africa), Antônio Gonçalves (Olhar de Cinema Festival, Brazil), Ilda Santiago (Rio Film Festival, Brazil), Sam Genet (Festival cinémas d'Afrique Lausanne, Switzerland), Yanis Gaye (Gorée Cinema, Senegal).

Moderated by: Ana Camila Esteves (Mostra de Cinemas Africanos)

*** Simultaneous translation PT-EN

15h – 17h | Training Programs in Brazil and Africa: Potential Approaches and Cooperations (Day 2)

Speakers: Emerson Dindo (DiALAB), Fibby Kioria and Luciana Ceccatto Farah (Mucii Pictures), Gabriel Pires (NordesteLAB), Ibee Ndaw (Centre Yennenga), Romeo Umulisa (Creative Africa Lab), Sam Genet (Grand-Bassam Project).

Moderated by: Julia Alves (Quarta-Feira Filmes) and Rafael Sampaio (BrLab)

*** Simultaneous translation PT-EN-FR

22 September 2024 (Sunday)

10h – 13h | Work groups

→ Audience building

→ Scripts and projects development

→ Production

→ Post-production

→ Marketing and distribution


Ana Camila Esteves,

General Coordination

Director of Mostra de Cinemas Africanos

Romeo Umulisa

Africa Coordination

Director of Creative Africa Lab

Rafael Sampaio

Brazil Coordination

Director of BrLab

Júlia Alves

Brazil Coordination


Venue: Cineteatro 2 de Julho

Cineteatro 2 de Julho – IRDEB 

R. Pedro Gama, 413 E, Federação – Salvador – BA
Reference: same location as IRDEB – Instituto de Radiodifusão Educativa do Estado da Bahia.

The Brazil-Africa Audiovisual Encounters project was selected in the Editais da Paulo Gustavo Bahia and has financial support from the Government of the State of Bahia through the Secretary of Culture via the Lei Paulo Gustavo, directed by the Ministry of Culture, Federal Government. Paulo Gustavo Bahia (PGBA) was created for the implementation of emergency support actions for the cultural sector, in accordance with Lei Complementar nº 195, of July 8, 2022.