The Empty Grave
The Empty Grave
Tanzania, Germany | 2024 | 97 min | Documentary
Director: Agnes Lisa Wegner e Cece Mlay
Screenplay: Agnes Lisa Wegner e Cece Mlay
Cinematography: Marcus Winterbauer

The Empty Grave follows the emotional journey of two Tanzanian families in search of their stolen ancestors. Their quest leads them to Germany, where tens of thousands of skulls and bones from former German colonies are stored in museum depots — a haunting legacy of colonial plunder in the early 20th century, taken for racist research and as macabre trophies. Set in the present, the film unveils the enduring traces and traumas inflicted by colonial crimes on families and communities. It navigates the obscure maze of German and Tanzanian bureaucracy, revealing the struggle to reckon with this painful history. While the issue has gained political attention, the film shifts perspectives and highlights the resilience of the families while scrutinizing the complexity of identifying and repatriating these human remains. The Empty Grave is a compelling German-Tanzanian collaboration by Kurhaus Production and Kijiweni Productions, directed by Agnes Lisa Wegner and Cece Mlay. The film is a co-production with ZDF - Das Kleine Fernsehspiel and received financial support from MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM), and the German Federal Film Fund (DFFF).
About the directors

Agnes Lisa Wegner cursou Estudos Americanos e Ciências Cinematográficas em Berlim e Estudos Afro-americanos na Universidade de Harvard. Após seu mestrado na Universidade de Freie (Berlim), ela trabalhou com organizações alemãs de direitos humanos por vários anos (Fundação Pro Asyl e Fórum Menschenrechte). Em 2013, ela começou a trabalhar como roteirista e diretora freelancer. Desde então, ela escreveu e dirigiu muitos filmes que foram exibidos em festivais internacionais de cinema, na televisão pública alemã e na Netflix Europa. Seus premiados documentários – dentre os quais King Bansah and his Daughter, No Fucking Ice Cream , and The Girl with the Long Hair – são caracterizados por seu intenso envolvimento com temas como discriminação, racismo, direitos humanos e solidariedade. Ela mora em Mannheim, Alemanha.

Cece Mlay enjoys the communal work of filmmaking. She is currently at Kijiweni Productions working as an Assistant Director and Creative Supervisor. She has been working through different departments collaborating with artists from various disciplines and backgrounds with the projects being produced by both Tanzanian and international film-makers. These stories take a critical and honest exploration into the social, the political and the historical. Her work ranges from tv series, award winning feature length and short films and documentaries: Siri ya Mtungi (2013-2014), Shoe Shine (2014), Aisha (2016), Vuta N’Kuvute (2021), Apostles of Cinema (2023). She lives in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.