Mostra de Cinemas Africanos promotes Film Critic Workshop as part of its programme in Salvador
Free activity combines theoretical classes and practical exercises in film criticism writing. Applications are open until August 25
The Mostra de Cinemas Africanos 2024 is accepting applications until August 25 for the Film Critic Workshop (“Laboratório Crítico”, in portuguese), which is part of its program in Salvador. Led by journalist and film critic Rafael Carvalho, the activity will include theoretical classes and practical exercises focusing on reflection about films produced on the African continent and in Afro-diasporic contexts. The workshop will take place over five meetings on September 17, 18, 19, 24, and 25, at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Bahia (MAC). Applications are free and can be submitted here.
The workshop has two specific objectives. First, to consider the exercise of criticism itself, its social and artistic function, and what it means to write and develop critical thinking about a work, in a general and broad sense. Then, based on the festival’s purposes, the idea is to link this critical thinking to the context of African cinemas, with the intention of provoking a readjustment of perspective, expanding the repertoire on this filmography, and also reflecting on what it means to produce film criticism about these films that originate from a very specific context of production, circulation, consumption, and reception.
The classes will feature theoretical presentations and lectures, screenings of short films and film excerpts, always encouraging exchanges and debates. Participants will also be prepared for an immersive experience at the festival, producing critical content about the works presented in the program. “We will propose an exercise in writing and covering the festival while it happens and the discussions it encompasses are in progress,” emphasizes Rafael. The reviews will be published in the Revista Crítica de Cinemas Africanos, a website linked to the festival.
The more dynamic communication flows of the new digital era and changes in the ways audiovisual content is consumed will also be part of the study, drawing from current experiences in criticism. “The context in which we live dictates new rules for film criticism, and professionals in the field have increasingly sought to reinvent themselves and maintain their relevance amid the public debate over works,” concludes Rafael.
The Mostra de Cinemas Africanos in Salvador-Bahia has financial support from the State Government, through the Fundo de Cultura, the Treasury Department, and the Secretary of Culture of Bahia.
Film Critic Workshop
Facilitator: Rafael Carvalho
September, 17, 18, 19, 24 and 25 – 10:30 AM to 1 PM
Venue: Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Bahia:
Rua da Graça, 284 – Graça, Salvador – BA
15 seats
Register here free of charge
About Rafael Carvalho
Rafael Carvalho holds a PhD and a Master's degree in Communication and Contemporary Culture from UFBA. His research interests include film criticism, cultural journalism, and reception studies within the scope of communication and cinema, with a particular focus on the critical work of the Bahian intellectual Walter da Silveira. He teaches in the Journalism course at UNEB, where he coordinates the Cinema da Chapada – Diffusion and Debate project. A member of the Brazilian Association of Film Critics (Abraccine), he writes as a film critic and cultural journalist for the newspaper A Tarde and for Moviola Digital. He is part of the short film curation team for the Panorama Internacional Coisa de Cinema and conducts workshops and courses on critical writing. He has served on juries for festivals such as CachoeiraDoc (2017) and the Tiradentes Film Festival (2018).
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