Omi Nobu
Omi Nobu
Cape Verde | 2023 | 70 min | Documentary
Director: Carlos Yuri Ceuninck
Screenplay: Carlos Yuri Ceuninck, César Schofield
Cinematography: Arilson Almeida
Cast: Quirino Rodrigues, Maria Fortes Bia Gai, Maria Silva Bia Titoi

In the 1980s, on the island of São Nicolau in Cape Verde, the small community of Ribeira Funda decided to abandon the area, frightened by a series of tragic events they attributed to malevolent forces residing nearby. Mr. Quirino was the only resident who refused to leave. For four decades, he declined help from local authorities and friends to relocate. Today, Quirino lives in a ghost village, with only his pets for company. Faced with an uncertain future and the weight of isolation, illness, and old age, he is, for the first time in his life, beginning to consider the possibility of leaving the only place he has ever known.
About the director

Descendente de belgas, Carlos Yuri Ceuninck nasceu em Cabo Verde em 1976. Estudou antropologia, história da arte, línguas estrangeiras e cinema em diversos países: Bélgica, Austrália, Estados Unidos e Cuba. Dirigiu curtas-metragens, como Ouça e Mar, Sem Sabor, Toque ou Cheirar (2005) e Carne ou Não Carne, Essa é a Questão na Ilha de Mu (2004), além do longa-metragem documental The Master’s Plan (2021).