CONVIDADOS 2024 - Brasil
Paulo Alcoforado

Paulo Alcoforado is currently one of the directors of Ancine – Brazil Film Agency. He has previously served in the Agency as Superintendent of Development and Secretary of Financing Policies, during which time he managed the executive secretariat of the Audiovisual Sector Fund (Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual/FSA). He has also worked as coordinator of the Instituto de Radiodifusão Educativa da Bahia (IRDEB, Educadora FM), executive director at Canção a 2, director of the Department of Audiovisual (Ministry of Culture), and executive director of Casa de Marimbondo Cultural Production.
Ancine – Brazil Film Agency
Created in 2001, Ancine – Brazil Film Agency is a regulatory agency responsible for promoting, regulating, and supervising the cinema and audiovisual markets in Brazil. It is a special autarchy linked to the Ministry of Culture, with headquarters in the Federal District and a Central Office in Rio de Janeiro. Ancine is governed by a board of directors, approved by the Senate, consisting of a director-president and three directors, and operates in the sector's production chain, encouraging private investment so that more national and independent audiovisual products can reach an ever-growing Brazilian audience. The agency's mission is to promote a balanced regulatory environment and develop the Brazilian audiovisual sector for the benefit of society.