CONVIDADOS 2024 - Brasil
Pedro Caribé

Pedro is a journalist from UFBA, a researcher, and holds a master's and PhD in Communications and Culture Policies from UNB. His career spans a combination of social organization, research, and professional practice in the fields of communication and culture, with a strong commitment to advocating for the Black population. Pedro is a member of the Association of Black Audiovisual Professionals (APAN) and the creator of Cinema de Terreiro, a digital museum dedicated to the memory of Black cinema in the Salvador and Recôncavo Baiano regions, based on the collection and biography of Black activist and cineclub organizer Luiz Orlando da Silva. His research focuses on the configuration of audiovisual work in technical-aesthetic and social contexts. Additionally, Pedro coordinates projects related to mapping, programming, and distributing content on the web.
Cinema de Terreiro
Cinema de Terreiro is a Digital Museum dedicated to the memory of Black cinema in Salvador and Recôncavo Baiano, with a central theme of ancestry and the legacy of Luiz Orlando da Silva (1945–2006). Luiz "O" was involved in curating and organizing film clubs, popular publications, films, and festivals in Brazil and abroad. His work intersects with other histories over more than a century, contributing to the development of a cinematic language and experience rooted in terreiros de candomblé as a source of African civilizational heritage. In its four galleries and publications, the museum preserves, promotes, and disseminates the reception and production recorded in documents, videos, interviews, films, books, and newspapers. It is a dynamic space that aims to keep up with the rapidly changing technological and social landscape.